Understanding The Symptoms, Causes and Treatments of Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis or Gardinerella Vaginitis as is commonly called is an infection due to the increased growth of certain types of bacteria in the vagina region. This condition may not actually produce any symptoms, but it can lead to increased greyish-white discharge and embarrassing foul fishy odor. In rare cases, it can result in difficult or painful urination and can also lead to uterus and fallopian tube infection. Therefore, it is very essential to look for a Bacterial Vaginosis Remedy as quickly as you detect any of these signs.

So, what are the causes of bacterial vaginosis?

The main cause of this infection still remains unknown. One possible explanation is that this disease is as a result of overgrowth of certain types of harmful bacteria in the vagina, which disturbs the natural environment of other beneficial bacterial that dwells in the vagina. The consequences of this imbalance are the symptoms such as itching and burning in the vaginal region as well as the vaginal discharge and the fishy odor.

Though, the main causes remain unknown, some factors may increase the risk of developing this condition, and these include;

•           Smoking

•           Douching

•           Having multiple sexual partners

•           Wearing thongs

•           Back to front wiping after bowel movement

•           Use of IUD as birth control

Although this condition has been found to be more prevalent among women who partake in sexual relationship with various partners, it has not been confirmed to be a sexually transmitted disease by medical professionals, and as a result cannot be contacted through sexual activities.

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatments

If you are at risk of contacting bacterial vaginosis or diagnosed with this condition, you need to visit your doctor for proper bacterial vaginosis treatments. Antibiotics are usually given for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. It is very important that you take your medications as prescribed by your doctor. Do not stop using your medicine without your doctor’s advice.

Treatments using antibiotics can only cure the symptoms temporarily and there are always the possibilities that will reappear. Therefore, it is advisable to treat the root cause of this disease permanently thereby preventing it from coming again.

There are lots of bacterial vaginosis natural cures which are very effective for treating this condition. They work best because they can treat this disease permanently, readily available in most drug and food stores, not costly and do not cause any side effects which are common with taking antibiotics.